Diego F. Parra

Diego F. Parra
Journalist and Marketing specialist

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

To be Consider.....Liberty city is more than a huge indivisible mass.

Our reality is complex and only with the pursuit of individuality and free reasoning is possible to understand and analyze the process of human interaction.
Society is full of colors and shades, differences and convergences that generate tension and conflict. As future journalists we have an obligation to seek new ways to investigate and report events from a more neutral and fair perspective.
The ultimate goal is to try to avoid the constant use of stereotypes and preconceived ideas on topics that touch our ethnic and social reality. For a journalist, it is important to put aside the ego and find a sincere and ongoing contact with communities and different social groups in order to reflect their concerns and ideas in a more accurate and precise manner.
Sometimes a personal experience gives a greater level of depth that a collective experience. That is why, I believe that we should never report a fact or event about a certain racial or ethnic group describing the community as an indivisible mass without form or substance, but instead seek individual stories that might explain the reasons and causes of certain and specific behaviors and ideas that members of a community can have in common.
Liberty City is full of individuals and stories. The individuality is part of good reporting and in order to create a more accurate picture a reporter must humanized and interpret a relative reality avoiding assumptions.

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