Diego F. Parra

Diego F. Parra
Journalist and Marketing specialist

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

2.5 million In the budget for a health center in Miami's Liberty City area could be vetoed

Florida lawmakers spent this year's legislative meeting lamenting a lack of money. But that didn't stop them from trying to bring home health and human-service programs in Miami-Dade districts including Liberty City.
Officials approved a $70.4 billion financial plan on April 30, the very last day of the legislative session. Gov. Charlie Crist has until today (Friday May 28th) to sign the budget and issue vetoes if he considers that the spending on those local projects are not priorities and do not meet the criteria.
Legislators defend spending on local projects that according to them address legitimate needs for their communities. According to lawmakers health and human-service programs are very important to their districts and communities and should be inescapable priorities. For the representatives the power of the Legislature should decide what gets included in the budget.
Gov. Charlie Crist will be issuing budget vetoes later in the day, and it is uncertain if the health budget that includes $2.5 million for a health center in Miami's Liberty City area will be approve.